The Foodweb framework is a distillation of core ecological patterns:
We integrate these patterns into conversations, stories and activities in the garden so that kids learn to trace movement and change in living systems.
All living systems depend on a flow of energy through them and cycling of matter within them and these patterns occur in all natural systems at all scales.
In Foodweb sessions we dwell in a curiosity lead ritual of tracing energy and matter through systems at any scale from microbes to ourselves, to the garden or the whole the planet. This gives kids incidental opportunities to develop, understand and connect to key scientific concepts across complex everyday phenomena.
The Foodweb framework for garden based eco-literacy includes these concepts from the key ideas of the Australian science curriculum.
Patterns, order & organisation, Form and function,
Stability and change, Scale and measurement,
Matter, energy and Systems
Our curriculum framework uses the broad explaining power of the scientific patterns of energy flows, matter cycles and systems as cognitive processes to understand change, connections and complexity. This approach is based on the science of symbiosis, ecosystem ecology, the physics of interaction, intra-action and complexity science.
Our pedagogy uses storytelling, conversation, performance, visual arts, music, experiential learning and play to explore these patterns and develop habits of mind that bring belonging, connection, response-ability and re-enchantment to children’s lives, relationships and worldview.
Our gardens are where we see an entry point to notice and pay attention to ourselves and the more-than-human world. Where we interact with, build relationships, apply and consolidate these ways of knowing. It is where we discover and nurture humility, gratitude, curiosity and awe for the world we live in. It is how we learn to ‘stay with the trouble’; to make a practical, positive impact on our immediate world, as an antidote to the despair we can often feel for the state of the planet.
Foodweb Education is a garden-based program, however, it was developed in schools in low socio economic urban areas with minimal budgets and access to ‘nature’ so we use science to re-enchant the everyday, mundane activities like breathing and eating and discover how they connect us to our world and universe. Our characters and storylines can be microbes, geological processes and even sunshine with a major pedagogical aim being to make the unconscious conscious and the invisible visible, and loved. We trace matter and energy from ourselves,ora fungal spore, or a glucose molecule, to the amazon rainforest or the global carbon cycle. Our aim is to empower our students with a schema for seeing, thinking, and participating in the complex living systems we are nested in, linking us to the stories ofrocks and bacteria, atoms of calcium, bees in the trees or electricity powering our TVs
It is a deeply personal learning journey where our students come to understand that they, we, humans exist in relationship and abide by the same laws and principles of science as all living systems at and across all scales. This approach is based on ecosystem ecology, earth and life sciences and complexity science. From microbes to melons as soon as you plant a seed you can become deeply aware that we are all always in relation and not separate from nature and there is magic to be discovered and revered. In their gardens, our students are growing, cooking and eating their own food and developing the gratitude, humility, wonder and love for the world and capacity to traverse times of hardship, grief and loss. As they eat, metabolise and breathe they are able to embed themselves in the broader system of their food garden and extend their tracing abilities and understandings to vast and more complex systems as well as receive all the sensory, physical and psychological benefits of being in and with the more than human ever present in their gardens, no matter how big or small.
Who are we?…..